Reweaving old sculptures 2023

 Re  weaving sculpture that are left outdoors

need to be done every two or three years.

The willow starts to deteriorate from day one and will last up to three years or so  depending on the location, weather and the thickness of the weave.

Thicker layers of weaving do last longer and a sculpture can have some running repairs to keep them tidy and looking spruce once a year or as required. 

All of my sculptures are made around a sturdy welded frame that helps to keep the sculptures shape too. For many years I was a total purest and it was all willow. Recently I re-wove a big Trex and 6ft tall hare.  The Trex was 4 years old and situated under trees and the hare 3 years old. The frames were still strong  and the fresh willow has them looking all new.


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